
1st Annual GSA District Summer Reading Challenge

Mr. Blackstone, the superintendent of GSA Schools, would like to invite all students in kindergarten through eighth grade to participate in the first annual summer reading challenge! It is easy to join and earn prizes.
● Go to the district summer reading challenge webpage 
● Read the introduction on the homepage.
● Notice each campus has a contact person that you can email with questions.
● Click on the grade level you will be in this August at the top of the page.
● Scroll to the bottom of the page to decide what level you want to achieve.
● Download and print a copy of the reading log for your record keeping or keep track of the titles, author, minutes and pages read on any paper.
● Read any book appropriate for your reading level or choose a great read
selected by librarians by clicking the great reads button for your grade level. You may read books from home, from the library, or a digital book from one of the resources on the webpage.
● As you read, record minutes and pages read on your log.
● After finishing each book, submit total minutes and pages read using the reading tracker button.
● As you complete activities, submit each activity individually using the submit button.
● If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Vose at GSA South or Ms. Behrens at Smiley or Ms.
Clarke at Fyler Middle
● If you have already started another reading program, simply transfer your reading minutes to the district site and complete activities! Double prizes means double the fun!