We will appreciate it if you fill out the “Testimonials” by clicking here . Please share your thoughts to promote a more positive environment at GSA. This will help build a better school culture and understanding. We thank you in advance.


“The teachers are awesome! GSA has such a fun atmosphere, with a positive emphasis on learning and safety.  I have never met a group of more caring people than the ones who dedicate their lives to teaching our children at GSA.  The whole staff really gets into the spirit of dressing up in character, which the kids love. My kids have learned so much in their time at GSA, and made great friends!  I love this school.” Laurie Adams, Parent.

“GSA is nothing short of amazing. The whole experience has been nothing short of wonderful! Great, knowledgable, truly caring staff…wow! This school has completely blown me away as a parent of 2 school-age children. My kids have learned so much from going to this school and being with these teachers, I am forever thankful!” Kristin Flanery, Parent

“GSA has really good teachers!  They know more stuff than teachers at any other school.  Our teachers let us do fun things!  We even get to do summer school with them!” Delanie Gallagher, Student

“I like GSA because I get to meet friends and teachers.  There is so much to explore when I am at school!  I have no explanation, but I just LOVE IT here!” Anna Heiple, Student

“It’s fun at GSA! We do lots of projects that help us learn.  And most of all, I have the best teacher ever!  I just love Ms. McCann and she loves me!” Jenesis Townes, Student

“As the students here know, GSA ROCKS!  I have been a part of GSA since the beginning before there were desks, air conditioning, parents and students.  Initially, there were 3 staff members and a principal and we worked tirelessly to make things happen!  We went door to door, telling people about Concept Schools and especially GSA.  We searched the phone book for people living in our target zip codes and called them.  We held Town Hall meetings, for few and then for many.  And that is how it began!

Three years later, GSA continues to grow!  We no longer have to tell people about us, they already know!  There is no need for recruiting, we have a waiting list!

The staff at GSA have a voice and an opinion!  This is a wonderful change for me!  My co-workers and I are able to have input when it comes to choosing curriculum and materials.  We are allowed to put the Best Practices to work every day.

My students are excited about learning!  Many ask why we have to be off on weekends and holidays.  They want the chance to learn more!

Parents at GSA are extremely supportive, going above and beyond!  I have no hesitancy to call a parent and ask for help or supplies.

The staff works well together!  We are a team, striving for the same goal!

As I said at the beginning, GSA ROCKS!” Kathie McCann, Teacher


“As the only PAWS team at GSA in Ms. McCann’s first-grade class for the last 3 years, I can only say that my experiences with GSA have been excellent.  My OES, Heart and myself has always been welcomed and felt very comfortable as we  walk in the front door being greeted by the office staff, to walking down the hall and see the smiles and nods from teachers and children, to standing outside Ms. McCann’s class as the children get a glimpse of Heart waiting to begin ‘working’ with the children.


I have been able to see the progress of all of the children’s’ reading progress from the 2nd week in October, to our last visit before summer vacation. Heart (and I) have made many friends.  I feel the children who are able to attend the PAWS program at GSA will always remember the year they had a special 4 legged friend in their class for the whole school year. Thank you, GSA for being open to new, exciting programs to help your children learn in a very fun way!!!!!” Val Anania and Heart”, Visitor