Great Success at MathCon Competition 2013

April 20th, a select group of GSA students in grade 5th- 9th, accompanied by Mrs. Thurau, Mr. Ozkaya, Ms. Halpin and Mr. Lucas, competed in Concept Schools MathCon Competition in Chicago.  The students who were selected to compete had previously placed in the top 6 from their grade level in the MathCon Online Competition.  Michael Knese represented our school in Game 24, where students are challenged to make the number 24 when give 4 numbers using all numbers once and using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Alexandra Conrad won a prize for participating in the MathCon Twitter contest.    Isabella Farmer was chosen to participate with the Math Magic Show.  Our 5th grade students were placed in the following positions: 7th place- Aiden Lundergan, 12th place- Michael Guempel, 17th place- Connor Copanas, and 23rd place- Mya Scott. Our 6th graders were placed in the following positions: 1st place- Halit Ozkaya, 3rd place- Jessica Meyer, 5th place- Tyler Ludwig, and 12th place- Sequoia Maybearry.   Our 7th graders were placed in the following positions: 7th place- Grace Jegle, 11th place- Sule Tekin, and 25th place- Jose Acosta.  Our 8th graders were placed in the following positions: 1st place- Isabella Farmer, 9th place- Michael Knese, 16th place- Alexis Cassani, 18th place- Ronald Bozikis, and 26th place- Caitlin Tisdel.  Our 9th graders were placed in the following positions: 3rd place- Alexandra Conrad, 14th place- Michael Trendle, 18th place- Katherine Campbell, and 24th place- Daniel Bohn.  Maggie Kinealy and Elizabeth Lang also competed.  As a school overall, we placed 3rd in the Elementary Division, 1st in the Middle School Division and 3rd in the High School Division.

