GSA Elementary Picture Day

Dear GSA Families,

The elementary building will have picture days this year!  Our hope is          that this will eliminate the need for students to remain “picture ready”             for the entire day!  Students in Kindergarten, First and Second grades        will have pictures taken on Monday, October 29.  Students in Third, Fourth and Fifth grades will have pictures taken on Tuesday, October 30.  We will schedule a make-up day at a later time for students who are absent on picture day.

All students will have their picture taken.  Pictures will be used for the Yearbook, student ID cards & school data base, as well as being available for purchase.

Our photographer this year will be Judy Bozikis, aka Grandma Judy.  She has taken many pictures for us throughout our three years as GSA.  If you would like to see the quality of her work, please view her website:  Password:  GSA

Grandma Judy posts all of the pictures that she takes at GSA events on her private site for parents/families to view and purchase.

Portrait envelopes were sent home yesterday.  Please return these before your scheduled picture day with payment if you would like to purchase this year’s pictures.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you!

Ms. Kathie McCann                                                                                                 Yearbook Coordinator

932-7513 ext: 103