Bullying Prevention Month Winners

Bullying Prevention Month winners
 October was National Bullying Prevention Month.  GSA Middle/High  School kicked off a year-long effort to stop bullying and build positive  character traits.  Every student in the school learned about bullying  and what to do if they are a target.  In addition, students learned about  the power that bystanders have it preventing school bullying.  The  students who are pictured are the winners of the various contests that  we held to bring awareness to bullying.
Left to right:
Chloe Cherry (8th) – Week 1 Bullying Prevention Student of the Week for  speaking up when she witnesses mean behavior

Grace Jegle (8th) – Week 3 Bullying Prevention Student of the Week for making sure that all students feel included
Courtney Link (8th) – Poster contest 1st place
Gabe Corson (8th) – Week 4 Bullying Prevention Student of the Week for being an active bystander & Poster contest 2nd place
Madelyn Holroyd (6th) – Video contest winner
Ali Burklow (6th) – Week 2 Bullying Prevention Student of the Week for standing up to bullies
Alandra Merrill (6th) – Video contest winner
Stella Johnston (6th) – Video contest winner
(Not Pictured: Deja Brewer and Madelyn Thunehorst – video contest winners)