GSA has a STEM Demo Team!

We proudly announce that GSA Middle -High school has a STEM Demo Team  Our demo team participated to Concept Schools STEM Expo Video Contest with 17 different science experiments and  7 of them succeeded and invited to CONSEF in Cleveland , Ohio. Here are the winners:

Demonstration Name           Student Name           Student Name

Magic Carnation                                        Sydney Dernier

Magic sand                                                  Jayashree Deeljore

Purple Paradox                                         Jose Acosta                               Jacob Dailey

Van De Graaff Generator                        Larry Snider Jr.                         Jacob Bounds

Alcohol Cannon                                        Michael Trendle                      Felix Jones

Baby Diaper Secret                                  Breanne Belvin                        Alissa Hildebrand

Indicator Sponge                                     Enrique Pena                            Adin Mulasalihovic