Emergency Information

Winter Weather / Emergency Closing Procedures

As we face the cold weather season, it is once again time to prepare for the possibility of severe weather or any other emergency that could result in Gateway Science Academy cancelling or dismissing school early.  On those occasions, GSA will notify parents via automated phone calls, so it is very important for our school to have the most up-to-date contact information.

If your home phone, cell phone, work phone or emergency phone numbers have changed during the past year, please take a moment to contact the school office to update this information.

We also ask that you check with the school office to make sure the most up-to-date information is on file regarding which adults have authority to pick up your child in an emergency. Remember, GSA will only release your child to his/her parent or an adult who has been previously identified by the parent.

Parents are reminded to have a plan for days when school is dismissed early due to weather or any other emergency.  This plan should include back-up daycare options for younger children in situations where regular daycare is not available until later in the afternoon.

GSA also asks parents to refrain from calling the school in a severe weather or emergency situation that results in an early dismissal.  The school phone lines need to be free for emergency communications if necessary.

Should Gateway Science Academy cancel school or dismiss early for severe weather or any other emergency, the information will be posted here on the School’s website, messaged to all parents through School Reach, and it will also be shared with the following local media outlets:  KSDK, KDNL-TV, ABC 30 and KMOX.