Robotics 2015

Amazing news from Robotics team.
On December 4th -5th, GSA First Tech Challenge (FTC) team attended in their first competition at Mountain Home, Arkansas. Our team “GSA RoboNerds” at Arkansas State Robotics Championship competed with other 24 teams from different states such as Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and etc. After, five qualification matches our team advanced to play semi-finals, unfortunately we did not advance to play finals, but we got 3rd place at championship and awarded with “Judges Award” Trophy.
Please congratulate robotics team members with their first success.

We want to say thanks to our parents who helped us in this trip.

Also thanks to our school principal Mr. Matt and school administration and teachers, our superintended Mr. Blackstone, and our management company “Concept Schools” for their help and support out team.