School Options for First Semester

July 27, 2020
Dear GSA Parents,
On July 21st, you received a letter outlining the following options for the 2020-21 school year for GSA: a five-day onsite face-to face learning option or a five-day virtual learning option. The onsite face to face learning option will follow the guidelines of the city and county health departments as to the number of students allowed in the building and in a classroom.
Included in this letter are two documents that should be utilized when making your decision: GSA’s Infection Control Plan and the Parent Q & A. One item we would like to call your attention to is the change in school hours. These modified end times allow for additional planning time for teachers to prepare lessons for both virtual and face to face as well as deep cleaning each afternoon.
Middle/High School (Fyler):    Start time 7:50 am
                                                              End time 1:00 pm
Elementary (Smiley):                Start time 8:00 am
                                                              End time 1:20 pm
Elementary (South):                 Start time 8:10 am
                                                              End time 1:30 pm
Once you have reviewed your options, you will need to complete the School Options for First Semester link for each child who attends GSA to indicate your choice for onsite face-to face learning or virtual learning for the first semester of the school year. If the request for onsite face to face learning exceeds building capacity, a process for finalizing onsite face to face rosters will be determined and families will be notified. There is still a lot of planning that needs to be done so please complete the link for each child attending GSA by August 7th. Please note that our district decisions are subject to change based on the increased number of COVID cases as well as the decisions/guidelines by the city and county health department.
Mr. Blackstone

The letters are as follows: 

Parent letter July 21, 2020

Infection Control Plan – COVID-19 

If you have questions or comments, please submit them here.