Instant Decision Days

One of the most excruciating aspects of the college admissions process is the long wait. Applications submitted in November or December can take four to five months to yield a reply. Parents and students, unclear about the future, can find this period very stressful but for GSA students there is an easier alternative. GSA – Instant Decision Days (IDD), a process that allows GSA seniors to apply, interview and receive an admissions decision all in a single day.

GSA College Guidance Department partnered with 9 colleges to give a chance for high school students to reduce the entire admissions process (including, in some cases, financial or merit aid) to one day. During the interviews, admission officers met GSA students in person during their 1-1 interviews and GSA students had the opportunity to ask lots of questions about the school in a personal way that a traditional applications process does not allow.

Thanks to IDDs at Gateway Science Academy, all GSA seniors accepted to 4-year colleges!!

2020 – 2021 Partnering Colleges and Universities

  • University of Missouri-Saint Louis
  • Harris Stowe University
  • Southeast Missouri State University
  • Fontbonne University
  • Truman State University
  • Lindenwood University
  • Missouri Science & Technology
  • Missouri Western State University
  • Webster University
  • Drury University
  • Maryville University
  • Saint Louis University
  • Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville