This pictures are from the nation’s first all-inclusive 7th grade poetry writing contest held in a major city, with invitations to participate extended to every charter, parochial, private and public school located in the City of St. Louis, Missouri.

Of the 48 schools with 7th grade classrooms, 43 voluntarily asked their students to submit their best poem to have a chance to be declared the winning 7th grade poet in their school.  In addition to the winning poets selected by the schools, two students were named “Honorable Mention” by the organizer of the event. Here are Gateway Science Academy’s winners Daniel Bohn and Alysia Rosencrantz.

The event was filmed to provide an opportunity for others to share in the experience and to learn from it.  The film of the event will first air on STL TV, the cable channel of the City of St. Louis, and then will be made available for viewing on YouTube, giving the world access to this type of educational literary arts programming.

Each winning poet received a $25 cash prize and a book containing all 45 poems.  A copy of this book will also be provided to each school’s library and to every branch of the St. Louis Public Library.



