GSA’s First Art Contest

Congratulations to the winners of GSA’s first art contest: Rowan Elliott (2nd grade), Justin Collins (4th), Raegen Bicklein (5th), and Colin Crimi (6th). Thanks to everyone
who voted and all the artists who participated!

A note from Ms. Cashel…

All GSA art classes will have the opportunity to participate in a nationwide art contest, Doodle 4 Google. All students will work on redesigning the Google logo to fit the contest’s theme, “What I’d like to do someday”. Logos will be completed in class during the next couple weeks, but students are welcome to work on designs at home if they’d like more time. Information packets have been sent home with all students, and they must be filled out and turned back in if students wish to enter their drawings in the contest. An entry form and parent consent form must be turned in for each student by March 11th, but they can be turned in right away also. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!