Academy of Science St Louis Science Fair

More Success Stories from Gateway SCIENCE Academy!

On Wednesday April 29th 2015,   30 science projects from GSA participated Academy of Science St Louis Science Fair.Our students did great at this fair,too!

Here are the results:

4 Blue Ribbons

             14 Red Ribbons

              9 Green Ribbons

              3 White Ribbons

              5 of the students received SPECIAL AWARDS besides the ribbons.


Results For Gateway Science Academy of St Louis Middle-High School
Student Name Title Ribbon
Sagnak, Nedret Does Temperature Affect A Magnetic Field’s Strength? RED
SPECIAL Broadcom Masters Nomination to compete in a national competition 
SPECIAL MOST – Missouri 529 College Savings Plan $ 529 College fund 
SPECIAL SunEdison Semiconductor $ 200 College Fund 
SPECIAL American Industrial Hygiene Association – St. Louis Local Section $ 100 gift card 
Collins, Kyra How Sweet It Is/ Measuring Glucose in Your food RED
Tudor, Adeline In what Environment will mold grow faster GREEN
Wood, Emma Fresh Strawberries GREEN
Ozkaya, Omer Which Oil is more effective on killing Bacteria BLUE
Kinealy, Seamus Nanotechnoloy: A New Solution To Oil Spill Clean Up RED
Nagl, Abigail The Weighting Games RED
Bradford, Miles Modifying a Video Camera to Capture Near-Infrared Waves RED
Celik, Fatima Evaporation Rates of Liquids GREEN
Deeljore, Jayashree Solar Panel Charger GREEN
SPECIAL Academy of Science Free membership for Junior Academy of Science 
Ryan, Jack Does the Weight of a Ball Effect How Far it Travels? WHITE
Karatas, Rana Real or Fake Sugar: Does It Really Matter? RED
Elliott, Rowan Dirty Science(Which Gender Is Cleaner) BLUE
Kram, Jacob How does hockey stick flex affect speed and accuracy? WHITE
Maybearry, Sequoia Do we prefer a musical key? GREEN
Chancellor, Jacob Rocket Man RED
SPECIAL Challenger Learning Center – St. Louis Free admission ticket to an event of Space Mission 
Deeljore, Charumati Twirls, Whirls, and spins GREEN
Sagnak, Eda Biodiesel to Energy RED
SPECIAL Monsanto Fund $ 300 College Fund  
SPECIAL American Institute of Chemical Engineers – St. Louis Section $ 50 check 
Bohn, Daniel What is in your water: A Bioassay RED
Fiordimondo, Mia Blood Clotting to Rescue BLUE
SPECIAL SunEdison Semiconductor $ 200 College Fund
Dujmovic, Melana Personality vs. Pet Preference RED
Hodge, Amber Water Impurities WHITE
Solis, Miriam Capillarity RED
Bell, Sophie Throw Away Your Trash Can RED
Mayberry, Aurora Go with the Flow: Which Material is more Viscous GREEN
Maghamez, Marianne Home cleaning Products Without Toxins GREEN
Streitz, Moon Drug Dissolution GREEN
Merchant, Isaiah What’s the Best Cure for Heartburn? RED
Thomason, Marissa Measuring Sugar in Soda RED