American Cancer Society Fundraiser


In honor of those in our community currently fighting cancer or those whom we have lost this year to cancer, we will be fundraising for the American Cancer Society.  The fundraiser will begin Monday, March 11 and will end Friday, April 12. In the lobby this past week, you may have seen a thermometer tracking the fundraising progress, and some paper feet, moon/stars, and lanterns around the thermometer. These are all a part of the fundraiser.  Every morning from 7:30-8:00 we will be selling these items in the lobby. Students will be allowed to come in early, with a parent, only if they are buying one of these items. After buying one, they will be return outside. Each student will then be able to decorate their item, put their name on them, and even put “In honor of…” if there is someone you would like to honor. After decorating them they will be hung in the lobby. (Attached is what these items look like.) These items are $1.00. We will only be accepting credit or check for this fundraiser.  If you would like to write out a check you may write it out to “ACS” or “The American Cancer Society.” You can go online and pay as well.  You can go online where you pay for lunch and there is an appropriate column for this fundraiser. If you pay online, we will make sure each student gets their appropriate item to decorate. The students can also pay $2.00 for a dress down day, only on the Wednesdays during these 4 weeks. To dress down, you must pay $2.00 per day you want to dress down. Homeroom teachers will not be handling this; it will all be taken care of out in the lobby in the mornings. This fundraiser is also serving as a classroom competition. Each purchase made towards this fundraiser will go towards your child’s homeroom.  After the fundraiser is over, we will be holding a celebratory assembly. The American Cancer Society will be here, along with some local newspapers, to accept the check from GSA.  The winning class will get to present the check in the assembly, they will be in the picture that will go in the newspapers, and they will receive a pizza party.  Our goal is to raise $500.00, but anything more would be great and in GSA fashion! Donations will also be accepted and greatly appreciated. Any questions, please contact Ms. Reaka, or Ms. McCann at Please help us fight back and try to find a cure for cancer!!