Student Council Bell Ringing, 12/14/2010

Tuesday, December 14,  Student Council members participated in bell ringing for the Salvation Army at the Schnucks on Arsenal from   5:00-7:00pm. Students kept warm and entertained shoppers with holiday carols and warm greetings. Wil Franz (fifth grade) warmed up with a trumpet solo.  

GSA Gators’ first official basketball tournament

December 17th marked GSA Gators’ first official basketball tournament. The boys team  played against Atonement, Immanuel and Bethlehem. We are so proud to see such dedication from the students, all their hard work and  passion. Thanks to Coach Klousia for  putting together such a dynamic team. We will keep rocking and improving.

GSA science Fair took place on May 14th, 2011

GSA Science Fair was hold on May 14th, 2011. Students from 3rd grade to 7th grade participated in the science fair with a project. Judges selected top five projects in each grade level and winners were announced in the award ceremony after the science fair. Winning projects are listed below based on the grade level. […]

2nd Trunk or Treat, 23.10.2011

GSA celebrated Halloween with its SECOND Trunk or Treat on October 23rd, 2011. Participants competed for the best decorated trunk, and the best chili.  Thank you all of our parents, students, teachers and community members who came in their costumes to make the day fun. Special ”THANK YOU” to Nancy and Perry Wentzel for organizing the event as well as GSA […]