GSA Fafsa Frenzy

FAFSA Frenzy makes applying for financial aid easier for students and their families by providing free help to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Completing a FAFSA is the first step in applying for federal financial aid and many state aid programs.Students and their parents will be able to complete the 2016–2017 FAFSA […]

Lego Competition 2015

Great news from Lego team. On December 5th, GSA First Lego League (FLL) team attended at Campaign Illinois. Our team “GSA Dragons” competed with other 14 teams to advance to Illinois State Championship. In competition, they got 449 points on the table and received 1st place in ”Core Value” and ADVANCED to compete at ILLINOIS […]

Hello world!

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Veteran’s Day

Tuesday, November 10th GSA Middle/High School celebrated Veteran’s Day. We honored those men and women who served our nation by inviting them to a breakfast funded by out PTO and Booster Club. We folllowed that with an assembly in which we did the presentation of the flag followed by patiotic music performed by our Band […]

Campus Visits

GSA is proud to provide opportunities for students to visit college campuses. The goal of these visits are to allow students to envision themselves at various colleges early and start deciphering what qualities they want in a campus for their own college experience. Students are required to attend at least one campus visit a year […]