Drop The Suit


​Daily Update April 27,2016

Author of the 1998 Desegregation Agreement ‘Weighs In’
Judge Wolff is the Dean of the Saint Louis University School of Law. He assisted in drafting the 1998 Senate Bill 781 outlining the State’s obligations in the desegregation agreement and establishing charter schools. During that period of time Judge Wolff was serving as special counsel to Governor Mel Carnahan. This morning Judge Wolff released the attached paper. There are many important points Judge Wolff makes including –

“The contention that the sales tax was intended just for St. Louis Public School (SLPS) district schools is historically wrong and legally incorrect. The sales tax was passed to augment the property tax and is available to each child who resides in the district whether she attends a SLPS school, a public school in another district, or a charter school. All are public schools in that they are supported by taxpayers of the state and the district.”

To read Judge Wolff’s complete remarks download the attached paper, The 42 Million Dollar Question.

Media Coverage
The St. Louis American released an excellent article on the issue. We encourage you to review and share. The article can be accessed at the following link:


The Missouri Times released a blog entry by Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder. The Lieutenant Governor’s article can be viewed at the following link:


In addition, The American Prospect also released a story you may access at http://prospect.org/article/st-louis-public-and-charter-schools-fight-over-desegregation-taxes

#DropTheSuit Petition
A petition for the SLPS Special Administrative Board asking them to Drop The Suit has been established at: https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/dropthesuit.html.

Please share this with parents and encourage them to voice their concern and sign!


SLPS Lawsuit Timeline_042416

SLPS Lawsuit Fact Sheet_042316

SLPS Lawsuit Fact Sheet Brief_042316

$42 M Question

SAB Letter to the Community April 22 2016

#DropTheSuit One Pager

Liddell 381 Joint Motion to Enforce

Fact Resource for April 22 SLPS SAB Community Letter

Desegregation and SLPS Lawsuit Timeline_042416
