Grandparent Day 10/5/2012

October 5 was GSA’s 2nd Annual Grandparent Day.  It was a HUGE success!  We had 360 chairs set up in the gym and we did not have enough seats!  What a turn out!

The grandparents heard about our school and all of our success!  Thanks to FSP, our food service, everyone enjoyed a continental breakfast.  Ms. Gastman directed the 4th graders as they sang two songs.  They did a wonderful job!

Thanks to STUCO & 5th grade, grandparents were escorted to the classrooms.  Many classes had projects and centers for the grandparents to participate in.

Ms. Behrens opened the bookfair for students and grandparents to shop.  And shop they did!  Thank you grandparents!

Students were excited to give their guests a tour of the building, pointing out favorite places.

A special thank you to the local florists who provided flowers for the event.

We are all looking forward to next year’s event! 
