GSA science Fair took place on May 14th, 2011

GSA Science Fair was hold on May 14th, 2011. Students from 3rd grade to 7th grade participated in the science fair with a project. Judges selected top five projects in each grade level and winners were announced in the award ceremony after the science fair.

Winning projects are listed below based on the grade level.


Grade Name Project Title Place
3rd grade Sammy (Nery) Reeves Thump, Thump, Thump. Pump it Up! 1st place
Connor Copanas Potato Power 2nd place
Julian Gabbard Toilet Paper vs. Pennies 3rd place
Joe Leinert Paper Airplanes 4th place
Madelyn Holroyd Does Temperature of Candles Affect the rate at which they Burn? 5th place
4th grade Abigail Nagl Science Smells Good 1st place
Connor Milligan Under Pressure 2nd place
Joseph Grippi Can Hamsters Learn? 3rd place
Nicholas Chaney Conducting Heat 4th place
Rudy Batan Lemony Science 5th place
5th grade Brandon Sidenstricker Which Method of Washing Removes the Most Ketchup Stain? 1st place
Sherry Wisdom Dirty Treasure 2nd place
Mia Fiordimondo Which soda will rot teeth the most? 3rd place
Sophie Bell Natural Preservation 4th place
Jacob Merchant Falling Objects 5th place
6th grade Cayla Rauss Up On The Rooftop 1st place
Ronald Bozikis II Effects of Angle On Projectile Trajectory 2nd place
Jordan Sedberry Powerful Plants 3rd place
Kelsey Steffen Crystalmania 4th place
Logan Brignole Magnetic Resistance 5th place
7th grade Lucas Grippi Flammability of Fabrics 1st place
Jakob Nagl The Science of Sight and Taste 2nd place
Katherine Campbell Making a PH Indicator Using Cabbage 3rd place
Joseph Droege Splitting Water 4th place
Isaiah Merchant Marine Microbes 5th place
