Dear Parents,

At Gateway Science Academy, we believe homework provides practice, stimulates intellectual activity, connects to and extends the students’ school day, and prepares them for their future. Within the last decade, according to the Educational Resources Information Center, research has been focused on the relationship between homework and student achievement.  These findings, although mixed, have “greatly strengthened the case for homework.” With our emphasis on the partnership between home and school, every child will be expected to receive homework to support our rigorous curriculum.

In order to provide this important opportunity for all students and to remain sensitive to the busy lives of our families, primary students (K-2) may expect an average of 10-20 minutes of homework, intermediate students (3-5) will receive 30-40 minutes of homework, and middle school students (6-10) may expect an average of 40-60 minutes of homework when assigned. All students should refer to their teachers for specific homework expectations. Daily homework in reading, writing, and math is standard, while most science, social studies and specials classes assign on a weekly or project basis.

There are many things you as parents can do at home to aid your child and help them succeed. By assigning a specific time and place at home daily, you are creating an environment and atmosphere conducive to learning. This space should be a quiet and well-lit area with a flat surface for writing, well stocked with supplies necessary, like pencils and paper. We recognize that you are the parent, not the teacher, and therefore all homework assigned should be completed independently by your child with minimal help or teaching from you. If your child struggles with a concept please alert the teacher as re-teaching or additional support may be necessary.

In the event that homework is not completed on a consistent basis, the teacher will contact the parent to develop an individualized plan.  If incomplete homework continues to be a problem, a meeting with your child’s teacher and administration may be necessary. I encourage you to check our database found at for up to date information on your child.

Thank you for your partnership in this critical aspect of your child’s education.


Gateway Science Academy