2nd Trunk or Treat, 23.10.2011

GSA celebrated Halloween with its SECOND Trunk or Treat on October 23rd, 2011. Participants competed for the best decorated trunk, and the best chili.  Thank you all of our parents, students, teachers and community members who came in their costumes to make the day fun. Special ”THANK YOU” to Nancy and Perry Wentzel for organizing the event as well as GSA […]

Concept Schools’ 1st Annual Parents’ Writing Contest

We are proud to announce that GSA Parent Ms. Jerre Parsons took the first place at the Concept Schools Writing Contest. We would like to extend our gratitude for all of our parents’ participation and congratulate Ms. Jerre Parsons for the wonderful writing and first place award. Concept Schools’ committee of judges had a difficult time choosing only […]

GSA Hosted its 1st Annual College Fair on 5/26/2011

GSA hosted its 1st Annual College Fair on May 26, 2011. The college fair took place in the upper room in the gymnasium building. We had a special schedule from 9:00am till 12:00pm for the day and each grade level K-7 had a wonderful opportunity to visit each table and get information about their future college choices. We would […]

GSA Welcomed Grandparents on 09/21/2011

The Third Grade performed for the Grandparents’ Day Assembly in the GSA Gym on Wednesday, September 21st at 9:00am.  The program began with a welcome speech delivered by Alexandra Conrad (8th grade student), followed by remarks from Debbie Fleming, and Ali Tekin, GSA Principal and a GSA Slide show presentation. The Third Graders began their portion of […]

LinFest 2011

The Third and Fourth Grade Music Classes and the 5 & 6 Grade Choirs performed for the Lindenwood Park fall festival called, “LinFest 2011″ on Saturday, October 1, 2011.  The 5 & 6 Grade Combined Choir began the festivities with the singing of the National Anthem. They also sang “This is a Celebration,” “Light the […]

The 2nd Scholastic Book Fair, 09/21/2011

The Scholastic Book Fair committee would like to express their gratitude for all the help and business they received on September 21st, 2011.  This year they collected over $8000 in book sales which will give the school about $4500 in scholastic dollars to purchase new books for our school Library. .

GSA Concert for Veteran Parents, 10/11/2011

The 7 and 8 Grade Combined Choir presented their firstconcert of the 2011 school year on Thursday, November 10th, 2011 at7:00pm in the GSA Gym under the direction of the GSA Music Teacher, KristeLudwig.  The Third Grade Class alsoperformed, however, the Third Grade has already performed two previous timesthis year.  The first concert was onOctober […]