Spanish Spelling Bee

Congratulations to Morgan Kobermann (9th grade) and Justin Collins (6th grade) for winning the GSA Spanish Spelling Bee and getting to go onto the Concept Schools Spanish Spelling Bee in Kokomo, IN.  They represented GSA well, and both came home with medals and a gift card!  We had a great time traveling to Indiana together, […]

Concept’s Annual Writing Contest Winners from GSA

We are so proud of two of our Gateway Elementary students for winning at Concept’s Annual Writing Contest!  Hundreds of essays were submitted from schools all over the Midwest. Royal Wobbe in Ms. Ferguson’s homeroom placed first with his piece titled “Legend of Billy the Worm.”  Olivia Imo in Mrs. Weitz’s class placed second with […]

Library Visit

FIN-tastic 1st walked to Machacek Library on Wednesday, April17. For many of the students, this was their first visit to the Public Library! The Children’s Librarian, Mr. Tony, gave the kids a brief tour of the library and explained how to find books. He tried to stump them and was surprised when the kids knew […]

GSA’s Annual College Fair

GSA’s annual college fair was a huge success!  On April 25th, 15 colleges from across the state of Missouri (and one from Illinois) came to GSA Middle/High School to talk with our students about their future.  The students explored the various programs of study that the schools offer, asked questions about financial aid and learned […]

Career Exploration at the Middle/High School

Recently, the middle/high school started bringing career exploration directly to the students.  On Monday, April 22nd, firefighters from our local station spoke to a group of 6th and 7th graders.  The students learned about the requirements of the job, what it takes to get there, and the school subjects that they will need to concentrate […]

GSA Art Show 2013

Gateway Science Academy Elementary held its annual Art Fair on Monday, April 22nd in St. Louis.  Each child chose at least one of his or her favorite pieces of artwork to display this year.  There were three full display boards and additional art on the gym walls.  Two tables were covered with 3D work, and a […]

Top Individual and School Awards at MathCON 2013

On Friday, April 19th, 5th-9th grade students, faculty members, and many parents went to Chicago to attend the 6th annual MathCON competition. Many students received Honorable Mention for their impressive math skills on the challenging test. Representing the 6th grade, Halit Ozkaya won 1st place and Jessica Meyer won 3rd place. 8th grader Isabella Farmer […]


Cell-ebration! In Mrs. Ozkaya’s seventh grade class, we have been working hard on the cell chapter. We did reading, drawing, watching science videos, testing, and even we looked at plant and animal cells under microscopes. At the end of the chapter, we made cell models. We worked really hard, and they turned out really nice! […]


Thanks to a grant that Ms. McCann received from Springboard for Learning, Kindergarten-2nd grade students enjoyed an afternoon with Storyteller, Bobby Norfolk.  Bobby began his career as a National Park Service Ranger at the Gateway Arch.  He then moved to theatre and comedy before finding his true calling as a storyteller.  Bobby went on to […]