Lottery for all GSAs February 8th, Fyler Cafeteria

Dear Parents, We are proudly announcing that we had many applications for the 2020-2021 academic year. We would like to thank you for your interest to enroll your students at Gateway Science Academy. As you know the lottery for new applications will be this Saturday, February 8th, at GSA Fyler campus at 10:00 am.

GSA Robonerds Advanced FTC World Championship

Congratulations to GSA FTC Robotics team. GSA RoboNerds attended in Arkansas FTC State Championship and advanced to World FTC Robotics Championship Huston by being the Captain of the winning alliance. This weekend, our FTC Robotics team – GSA RoboNerds attended in Arkansas FTC State Championship to advance to Houston, TX for World FTC Robotics Championship. […]

2018 2019 Course Selection Guide

Choosing high school courses is an important aspect of your education. Please consider the following when choosing your classes for next year.   Review the graduation requirements. Click here for Graduation requirements. Choose your schedule according to your areas of strength, interest, and ability. Rigor-Keeping your classes on a rigorous path will serve your best interest […]

Concept Schools 2018 Parent-Student Surveys

Parents, Guardians and Students, We would like your feedback and want to hear your voices about GSA. It’s Concept Schools Survey time. We ask your help in gathering information about how we can serve our students better. There is a link for parents and one for students. Should you or someone you know need a […]

GSA Celebrates National School Choice Week

Gateway Science Academy Middle & High School Celebrates National School Choice Week! January 22-26, 2018   Special events are planned throughout the week to celebrate public charter schools and school choice.   Students will be asked to have their picture taken with a special board declaring why GSA is their school of choice. These will […]

CYSP Saturday School

GSA CYSP Team is pleased to offer CYSP students the opportunity to participate in The CYSP Saturday School Program at GSA Fyler Campus between 9am and 12pm. CYSP Saturday School is committed to developing the full potential of each student by providing an individual study plan and educational support. CYSP Saturday School aims to assist students of all ability […]