Pi Day

My students had a PARTY with PI!
Students were challenged to memorize Pi to as many digits as possible
in just a short time. Chase Kossman impressed everyone in all 3
Algebra classes, recalling out to 22 digits!

Additionally, many students discovered how hard it was to draw a
“perfect” circle. After student judges measured, the students with
the most “perfect” circle were Tram Tran (1st/2nd period) and a tie
with Chase Kossman and BreAnne Ewing (3rd/4th period).

We also learned that our birthday dates were actually inside of Pi and
used a website that calculates what digit in Pi the date starts.
Interestingly, the farthest out was Derrelle Wafford’s birthday which
doesn’t occur until after 1.5 MILLION digits!

Students were surprised because a string representing the
circumference of a variety circular items could be cut using the
diameter of the object resulting in everyone with a little over 3
pieces (3.14)!

Next we explored how hat sizes are determined by measuring our heads
and dividing by Pi! We concluded that the size of the hat is
determined by the diameter of our heads!

And last but not least, while enjoying a musical parody from 1984,
Weird Al Yankovic’s song, Eat It, we held a hands free mini pie eating
contest (with extra whipped topping)! For this contest, students
voted on who among the staff they wanted to challenge!

Coach Connelly was challenged in the 1st/2nd period Algebra class, but
little did the students know she was a PRO! She was done with her pie
long before anyone else had finished! She also cleaned up before I
could get an incriminating pic!

In the 3rd/4th period Algebra class the students voted to challenge
Mr. DiTucci, however, he was not as successful as Coach Connelly, but
he looked great when he finished! The victor was Katheryn Brune in
this contest, but it was really no contest at all! She devoured her
pie in record time!

That’s two wins for the ladies! Go Girls!

Coincidentally, there was no one willing to represent the ladies in
the 5th period Algebra class contest. The students voted to challenge
Coach Klousia, who was surprisingly annihilated by one of his very own
basketball players, Andrew Whitter!

Even though it was such a crazy day, we still had a moment, after
clean up, for the rest of each class to enjoy a slice of pie in
celebration of Pi Day, 3.1416 Rounded up!

Sorry for so many emails to follow, but google wouldn’t let me fit all
the pics in the body (more then 25 MB).

Please enjoy the pics I am sending and feel free to share your Meme ideas!