
In Mrs. Ozkaya’s seventh grade class, we have been working hard on the cell chapter. We did reading, drawing, watching science videos, testing, and even we looked at plant and animal cells under microscopes. At the end of the chapter, we made cell models. We worked really hard, and they turned out really nice! After finishing our models, Mrs. Ozkaya stepped out for a moment and came back in with a huge box. She set it on the table and we all scrambled to get a look at the inside of the box. It was a cake!  Yummy! It had all sorts of candies and chocolates on it. To an untrained eye, it might look like just a cake, but we all knew at once it was a cell! Mrs. Ozkaya pointed a big chocolate circle in the middle and we all shouted “ Nucleus ”. She went along and pointed to all the parts and we knew all of them. Then, finally we got to eat! It was delicious! The classroom was probably quieter than it had ever been because everyone was stuffing their faces with the delicious cake.

Sophie Bell

GSA  7C   
