Sibley Day at Lindenwood University

A group of GSA students were invited to School of Sciences Research Conference on Sibley Day at Lindenwood University. This event provided a great opportunity for our students to see the research of undergraduate students  of Lindenwood University .  The conference officially opened with a welcoming speech by Dean Ricardo Delgado.Then Dr. Delgado presented the Certificates of Appreciation to our 10 GSA students. It was followed by poster presentations on empirical research, research proposals, literature reviews, theoretical work, and experiential learning from all disciplines within the School of Sciences. Our students asked questions to the undergraduate students about their research and enriched their knowledge about scientific process. After the poster session, Psychology Professor Cindy Fadler gave an address entitled, “How to Learn More While Studying Less”.

   We came back to the school after lunch offered by Lindenwood University. We would like to send our appreciations to Dr. Delgado, Dean of Science, Amanda N. Aldridge, Adjunct Instructor, Coordinator of Charter School Sponsorship and other Lindenwood Faculty for providing us this opportunity.