Spain Trip 2013

This Spring Break, sixteen students, parents, and staff had the learning experience of a lifetime– a week in Spain! We visited 7 cities, including: Madrid, Sevilla, Toledo, Segovia, Granada, Córdoba,and Málaga. We spoke a TON of Spanish, saw Roman ruins from 2000 years ago, visited cathedrals thatnearly touched the sky, and visited both the beach and mountains! Every second was filled with learningdifferent aspects of an unknown culture or language, and you could see the wonder in students’ faces.From ham-flavored potato chips to run-ins with bidets, there was a new discovery around every corner.

Everyone on the trip loved experiencing Spain’s “no pasa nada” culture that demandseverything and everyone to slow down. Many parents and students came back excited to learn Spanish,and many plan to implement the slower lifestyle into our hectic American lives. The trip gave us anopportunity to reflect on our lives at home. The sense of wonder and discovery made us feel a levelof freedom that we don’t experience in the humdrum of our daily routine. The group of students,parents, and staff got along really well and everyone is looking forward to taking another trip with GSAin the future. If you are interested in joining GSA for an international trip, start saving/fundraising nowbecause there will be trips every spring and summer!

“I had a lot of fun, it was the best trip I’ve ever had. It’s also the furthest I’ve been from home but it wasstill fun. I enjoyed the rock park El Torcal the most. I love Spain!”Bobby Bennett

“I am still in a state of euphoria over the trip. I am excited to talk to anyone who will listen to me andeven show them my pictures! From the breathtaking views from many cities like Granada and Toledo,to the wonderful architecture and history of places like El Escorial, I feel very lucky to have been a partof the trip to Spain. Lastly, I enjoyed getting to know everyone on the trip and communicating with thepeople of Spain.”Jennifer Sheppard

“Our Trip to Spain was amazing! We saw numerous breath taking sites and unforgettable memories. Marissa and I were so inspired that we ordered Rosetta Stone Spanish speaking software days after we returned. Marissa wants to learn Spanish now and will be taking it at GSA next year because she wants too, not because I want her to.  Our trip has also opened our eyes to see more of the world and how others live. We are very thankful for this opportunity GSA has given us.  We had a great time with everyone we traveled with! Thank you  Mrs. Lackey  for all the had work!”Dan Blust and Marissa Blust

“The trip was amazing. Sophia and I are looking forward to the chance to travel next year with the school. Like Dan I also bought Rosetta Stone. I am also looking for some books to learn more about the history of Spain. I definitely came back a different person because of the history and beauty of Spain. I also want to thank Mrs. Lackey for the time she put into organizing the trip. You could see how excited she was to share her knowledge of this beautiful country with her students.

Thank you” 


Lisa and Sophia