Spring Musicale, 04/13/2011

The GSA Choral Department presented a Spring Musicale on Wednesday, April 13 at 7 pm in the GSA Gymnasium.  The participants consisted of the Second Grade, Fourth Grade, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, and the GSA Dance Team.  The Women’s Choir began the concert with a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.  Their repertoire consisted of the “Concert Etiquette Rap,” “Come to Me, O My Love,” and “Solfege Samba.”  They were followed by the Men’s Choir singing “Dust in the Wind,” and “Kids!” from the Musical Bye, Bye Birdie.  The Second Grade began their part of the program with “2001 Kazoos” a tribute to “Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss.  They also sang, “Getting to Know You” and read facts about all the new people they met this year at GSA. Their performance included “Bees are Buzzing,”( with kazoos!) and “It’s in my desk.”  They concluded their portion of the concert with a percussion and vocal piece which included congas, djembes, cowbells, maracas and tambourines.  The Fourth Grade performed “Ode to Joy,” from memory on recorders.  They also played recorders and sang the song, “Cha, Cha Chihuahua,” and “Ode to Beethoven” where they sang in divided harmony parts and played their recorders.  The concert concluded with all the participants dancing and singing to the GSA School Spirit Song, “We Rock!”  The combination of over 100 performers was truly amazing!