Veteran’s Day Choir Concert, 11/11/2010

The GSA Music Department presented their premier performance entitled, “Oh Say Can You Sing? A Patriotic Tribute to Our Veterans and Service Men and Women” with two concerts on November 11, 2010.  A morning concert was held for the GSA student body and Veterans from the area.  The evening performance was offered for the parents and Veterans.  The Third, Fourth and GSA Choir sang patriotic songs including, “The Star Spangled Banner”, “America”, “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and many others.  They also hosted a social time with the Veteran’s who attended the performance.  The “admission fee” to the evening concert was a canned food item.  Due to the audience’s generosity, GSA was able to donate nearly 300 food items to a local food pantry.  The concerts were well received with standing ovations at the end of both performances.